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.6875 as a fraction


What is .6875 as a fraction ?

We should understand the difference between fraction and decimal. After that we will solve our main question – What is .6875 as a fraction. Firstly, fractions represent numbers as a ratio of two integers: a numerator over a denominator (e.g., 7/8, 13/17).

Secondly, Decimals are just a different way to write numbers, usually with a dot (called a decimal point). Some decimals stop at some point (decimals can be finite), like 0.5 or 2.75. Decimals can be infinite (having repeating or non-repeating patterns after the decimal point), like 0.333… or 1.41421356.

How do you write 0.6875 as a fraction ?

The value of decimal number 0.6875 can be expressed as the fraction 6875/10000. If we simplify it then result will be 11/16. You can confirm this equivalence by using a calculator app to divide 11 by 16, which yields the answer: 0.6875.

What is .6875 as a fraction ?

Step by Step Solution

In this article, We will understand the process to convert the decimal .6875 to as a fraction. Please go through following steps:

Step 1

Step 1: Write the decimal number as a fraction with the decimal as the numerator and a denominator based on the decimal places. So first we have to convert 0.6875 in the from of a/b. In above Image, You can check step 1 (0.6875 = 0.6875 is divided by 1).

Step 1 to convert decimal .6875 into fraction ?

Step 2

Step 2: To convert a decimal number into a fraction first we have to count how many digits are there after the decimal point. After that we multiply both the numerator and denominator (in this case, 0.6875/1) by 10 raised to the power of the number of digits after the decimal point.

Lets start with an example, For 0.55, The number has two decimal places (after the decimal point). So we can multiply by 100. For 0.375, three decimal places (after the decimal point). Here we can multiply by 1000. In our question, For 0.6875, Four decimal places (after the decimal point). We have to multiply by 10000 (both the numerator and denominator).

Step 2 to convert decimal .6875 into fraction ?

So, 0.6875= 0.6875×100000 divided by 1×10000 = 6875/10000​.

Step 3

Step 3: To simplify the fraction, First we have to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and denominator. In our question, the GCD of 6875 and 10000 is 625.

  • The factors of 6875 are: 1  5  11  25  55  125  275  625  1375  6875.
  • The factors of 10000 are: 1  2  4  5  8  10  16  20  25  40  50  80  100  125  200  250  400  500  625  1000  1250  2000  2500  5000  10000.

Now we have to divide both the numerator and denominator by the GCD (625).

Step 3 to convert decimal .6875 into fraction ?

So, the decimal 0.6875 is equivalent to the fraction 11/16​.


What is .6875 as a fraction?

The decimal 0.6875 is equivalent to the fraction 11/16​. Read full solution here.

What’s 0.375 in a fraction?


What is 0.625 as a fraction?


What is 0.9375 as a fraction?


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